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1 / Trainee Presentations & Awards (Dec 2024)
Waqas and Mackenzie showcased their research at the BC Cancer Summit, and were both distinguished with Oral Presentation Awards. Congratulations!
Jenny and Mackenzie presented posters at the same event, and received Poster Presentation Awards. Bravo!
2 / Invited talks & Fellowship (September 2024)
Mackenzie was awarded a Rising Stars Graduate Fellowship Award, by the BC Cancer Foundation. Way to go Mac!
Leandro presented a guest Seminar at the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal, and met with local investigators and trainees. Exciting new collaborations on the horizon!
3 / New Lab Members (May 2024)
Lizzy Pijpers, PhD, and Jenny Zhao, BSc, are joining our Team as a postdoctoral fellow and a graduate research assistant, respectively. Welcome Lizzy and Jenny!
4 / New Lab Member & Fellowship (Jan 2024)
Waqas was awarded a Rising Stars Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award, by the BC Cancer Foundation. Congratulations Waqas!
Jing Tang, MSc, is joining our Team as a graduate research assistant. We are excited to welcome Jing, and look forward to the new ideas and insights she will bring to our work!